Friday, October 12, 2007

But that's not fair ! ! !

The wealthiest 1% of the nation pays ____ % of the taxes.
The wealthiest 5% of the nation pays ____% of the taxes.
The wealthiest 25% of the nation pays ____% of the taxes.
The wealthiest 50% of the nation pays ____% of the taxes.

The Corner on National Review Online has a story featuring the current % breaks.

Discuss amongst accordingly. You're going to hear a lot about this next November. And if you work for Uncle Sam, why not just tell the people in the brackets above that "this is the amount of tax you're going to pay. It's what you paid last year WITH all your deductions. We've done the math, and unless you really screwed up, it's what you'll pay this year WITHOUT any deductions. You don't have to give any more of your money to the Tax Shelter Priesthood, or make any last minute donations of your husband's underwear."

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