Saturday, May 10, 2008

Michelle Vetoes Hillary, But Doesn't Emasculate Barack

Robert Novak, The Prince of Darkness, who usually knows that of which he speaks, is saying that Michelle Obama has vetoed Hillary Clinton as a potential Vice Presidential running mate for Barack.

Well, good for Michelle.

I hung onto an old copy of Newsweek (February 26, 2008) that had Michelle Obama on the cover. It's the one with the tag line "He Calls her his 'Rock.' The Real Michelle Obama."

I hung onto it because it was weird. Let's look at page 29, in an article by Richard Wolfe. Here's where he quotes Michelle Obama:

"Somehow I've been caricatured as this emasculating wife," she tells Newsweek. "Barack and I laugh about that. It's just sort of, like, do you think anyone could emasculate Barack Obama? Really now."

Well said. In fact, it was very well said. It was so well said that in the same issue of Newsweek on page 35, in an article called "A Real Wife, in a Real Marriage", Raina Kelley felt obliged to quote Michelle Obama as saying:

"I've been caricatured as this emasculating wife. Barack and I laugh about that. It's just sort of like, 'Do you think anybody could emasculate Barack Obama?' Really now."

I have to admit, Barack Obama's vulnerability to emasculation hadn't crossed my mind until I read about it twice in a single issue of Newsweek. What could be the source of this Castration Complex? Once again, Newsweek comes through. Here's the mother lode, the source of the Amazon River, the original Big Bang from which all other emasculation articles were brought forth. On page 34, in an interview entitled "I Can Only Be Who I Can Be", Michelle Obama brings forth the original Emasculation Quotation. Getting there, if you happened to read everything else first, rivals the discovery of The Dead Sea Scrolls:

"Somehow I've been caricatured as this emasculating wife. [Laughs] Barack and I laugh about that. It's just sort of, like, 'Do you think anybody could emasculate Barack Obama?' Really now."

Newsweek never gives us an opinion on whether anyone could emasculate Barack Obama, but obviously thought the possibility was worth considering. If Michelle Obama really did put her foot down and declare that "Those Trash Talkin' Arkansas Rednecks Ain't Comin' In My White House", more power to her.

Do you think that somehow emasculates Barack Obama?

Really now....

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