Monday, September 8, 2008

Barack Obama's Accomplishments In The Illinois State Senate


  1. I note this is identical to Bob Barr's accomplishments as a Libertarian, unlike his accomplishments as a Republican: advocating federal prohibition of medical marijuana, sponsoring the Defense of Marriage Act (opposing same-sex marriage), and voting for the Patriot Act, as well as proposing the Pentagon oppose the practice of Wicca in the military.

    All good Libertarian stances.

    (If you can repeat yourself, surely I can too!)

  2. Hey, We're Baptists....

    Aren't we supposed to believe in The Autonomy Of The Local Church, the doctrine that states each group may wander down whatever path it chooses? Especially since the desired goal (Libertarian Enlightenment !) awaits us all?

  3. Surely someone, somewhere, will bravely enter these barren comment fields and list what Obama accomplished in the Illinois State Senate.....(Other than voting "present")

  4. Since no one else has time to step up to the plate...

    While in the Illinois State Senate Barack Obama passed a sweeping law that banned most gifts from lobbyists and personal use of campaign funds by state legislators, sponsored a law enhancing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare. He also sponsored legislation requiring police to tape interrogations (if you've ever had dealings with the Chicago police you'd understand the importance of this) and led the passage of a law to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they stopped.

    Happy now?

  5. Of course, I realize I'll need to do a massive cut-and-paste session on your final empty suit post, but so it goes.

    The sad thing is that I now write more for your blog than my own.

  6. Dr.,
    You've figured us out, haven't you?

    Surely you've read enough of my ravings to know that Mark Twain is one of my favorite authors.

    Look up the episode of The Whitewashed Fence.

    And when you get a chance, do a post entitled "The Accomplishments Of Barack Obama". The world will beat a path to your door ! ! !
    There are a lot of curious people out there.

  7. WS - I'd begun to suspect as much. You, sir, are the Devil.

  8. Doctor,
    I am not the devil.
    However, I do have him gainfully employed, dropping spam bombs on the DNC website.

    (He thinks it's his own idea. Please don't tell him anything different.)


additional coats of Whitening