Saturday, January 17, 2009

We knew him waaaaay back when....

Cheers and high praise are in order for my friend, agent provocateur, and co-hymnologist Dr. Ralph.

Just one year ago, he was content to sound off on a few technical and political opinions every month.

But his comments on these pages in praise of truly gawdawful government-funded art are now so well known, British bloggers are now name-dropping him in posts about Czech "Art" on Australian websites.

Dr. Ralph is now a worldwide phenomenon.

And we knew Dr. Ralph when he was just an intern.


  1. Whited Sepulchre, in a great bit of irony, I write much more on your blog than my own. You bring out my best and worst.

    I blush...

  2. You're not blushing... You're just turning Red! Bah-dump-dump! Red! Like a communist! Get it?

    Is this an audience or an oil painting?!

    Thank you Thanks! I'll be here all week...

  3. Oh snap!

    It's going to be a loooong week.


additional coats of Whitening