Monday, February 15, 2010

Hitler finds out that we've found out the truth about Global Warming

This was bound to happen.....
Here's Hitler learning that Professor Mann has admitted that there's been no warming since 1995, that the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than it is now, and all the other nasty secrets that people discovered when they went outside and checked their thermometers. 

I love this genre.
And I'm glad I got to be alive for this moment.


  1. Cedric! Cedric! Where are you?

    (sound of crickets chirping)

  2. Originally done for the mortgage meltdown, funny then too! NPR had an interesting take on Climate change.

  3. Seriously - WS posts not one but 2 global warming stories and still no sign of Cedric.

    I'm beginning to worry...

  4. All,
    Look through some of the other recent Global Warming comments, in which I explain my theory that Cedric Katesby, the man of a thousand sock puppets, has lost his funding. (Sorry, I'm in a hurry, don't have time to link to it.)

    Shortly after the Copenhagen failure, the plug got pulled on the Warming/Cooling/Changing scam. Those who publicly supported the AGW madness have moved on to selling overpriced aluminum siding to widows, or Nigerian email frauds, or some other ripoff.
    Call me a fool, call me a conspiracy-theorist wingnut, but I honest to God believe that's what happened to our beloved Cedric.

  5. These Hitler rants just never get old...seems like I've seen this clip a thousand times with a thousand different themes and I laugh my ass off every time. In fact, I find myself looking forward to the shot of the one woman consoling the other, usually with the tag line of "He didn't mean that about..."


additional coats of Whitening