Sunday, July 24, 2011

Time to purge the photo files

Once again, it is time to purge the photo files.  Here are the things I've saved from Libertarian Reddit, emails and elsewhere that I couldn't find an immediate use for:

Here's an excellent map of our foreign aid expenditures.

Here's a cool drawing of how to cut timber:

Greatest mugshot EVER:

That's all I've got this morning.  Hope everyone has a great day. 


  1. I love the photos, especially the wheelchair ramp to nowhere.

    I chronicled the replacement of several perfectly good "old" wheelchair ramps with some expensive new ones funded by ARRA.

    I never lived anywhere that gives you the sense you are being constantly "governed" than in California. The funny thing is that you can take a stroll down any street an in seconds find a vagabond, home owner, car owner, or dog owner who refuses to be governed. Because of the cost and difficulty of getting building permits, every house is a Franken-house.

    I've never seen so much chaos as that which arises from law.

  2. God, you slipped Donna Lethal past me. good one.

  3. I'm surprised that you put up a favourable photo of a well-known "conscious, dedicated agent of the Communist Conspiracy."

    For bonus points, can anybody name a founding member of the John Birch Society whose family name keeps popping up again and again nowadays?

  4. For bonus points Cedric, can you name the member of the John Birch Society who was murdered by the Soviet Union along with all the other passengers on KAL flight 007, including the parents of a friend of mine, when they shot the plane down?

    For extra bonus points, Cedric, can you name all of the alleged Soviet spies in the Democrat Party who we found out after the fall of the Soviet Union actually were Soviet spies?

    Can you name the leader of a Latin American country who received payments and campaign contributions from the Soviet Union before he illegally nationalized thousands of banks, businesses, and farms?

  5. For bonus points Cedric, can you name the member...

    Answering a question with a question to avoid coughing up an answer?
    Poor form.

    Yet yours is easy to do.
    Lawrence Patton McDonald.

    "He was known for his staunch opposition to communism and believed in long standing covert efforts by powerful U.S. groups to bring about a socialist world government. He was the second president of the John Birch Society."

    Surpise, surprise. Socialist world government? How did that work out in the end?

    "For instance, McDonald sponsored amendments to stop government aid to homosexuals.McDonald also co-sponsored a bill 'expressing the sense of the Congress that homosexual acts and the class of individuals who advocate such conduct shall never receive special consideration or a protected status under law'.
    (...) McDonald also opposed the establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, saying the FBI had evidence that King "was associated with and being manipulated by communists and secret communist agents."

    Wow. Yep, gotta keep them homeysexuals and coloureds and Kommies in line.

    "It was reported that McDonald had "about 200" guns stockpiled in his official district residence."

    Only 200 guns? Why not 400 like normal people?

    "There is a real question in my mind that the Soviets may have actually murdered 269 passengers and crew on the Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in order to kill Larry McDonald." – Jerry Falwell, The Washington Post, September 2, 1983

    Let the paranoia run free. Jerry Falwell? Dang.

    So let's go back to my original trivia question.
    (deep breath)
    For bonus points, can anybody name a founding member of the John Birch Society whose family name keeps popping up again and again nowadays?
    Hint: Oil
    Double Hint: They love fake "institutes".

  6. What's wrong with having 200 guns Cedric?

    The better question is what business is it of yours or government's to know about or give a damn about how many guns anyone owns? I don't recall any reports of Larry McDonald ever using his guns illegally.

    I have heard rumors of MLKs alleged association with communists, but I haven't seen any evidence to support it. Given the far left views of most prominent civil rights activists, i wouldn't be at all surprised that those rumors were true. There was evidence that the Soviet Union did support antiwar and civil rights activities as a means of destabilizing American politics, not that the Russkies gave a damn about civil rights.

    I never said the Soviets shot down KAL 007 with the intent to kill McDonald. I said they murdered him and all the other passengers. But instead of acknowledging the act of murder, you'd rather harp about speculation and conspiracies. That's because, Cedric, you can't bear the cognitive dissonance of your beloved philosophy being so tragically associated with the deaths of 100 million people in the 20th century.

  7. What's wrong with having 200 guns Cedric?

    Well, maybe we can talk about guns some other time. Try to focus for the moment. Why do you not want to answer my question? I had no trouble with yours. It was a snap.

    I have heard rumors...

    Meh. Whatever. Nobody cares.
    Why do you not want to answer my question? Or are you looking for a rabbit hole to dive into?

    But instead of acknowledging the act of murder, you'd rather harp about speculation and conspiracies.

    Nope. I didn't harp on about anything. I just noticed Falwell's single quote to poke fun at the stupid. Falwell was a morbidly obese joke. Hitchens said it best when he suggested that Falwell could fit in a matchbox if you gave him an enema.
    There was no "harping".
    Where goes the Birchers, there be conspiracies it would seem.

    ...your beloved philosophy...

    What "philosophy" are you talking about, oh mind-reader?

    For bonus points, can anybody name a founding member of the John Birch Society whose family name keeps popping up again and again nowadays?
    Hint: Oil
    Double Hint: They love fake "institutes".
    Triple Hint: They are twins.

  8. Great stuff. I will steal these and use them in some way or another.

  9. Why do you not want to answer my question? I had no trouble with yours. It was a snap.

    I'm not interested in your question. It's not relevant to anything. The answer is part of your wild-eyed conspiracy theories.

    They are allowed to use their money to fund anything they want. They also provided funding for NOVA. Oooh, they must be taking over Public Broadcasting too!

    Oh, and cancer research! How devilish of them.

    My questions were a rhetorical response to your ridiculous, irrelevant question. I figured I might as well bore you with pointless quizzes as long as you were doing the same for us.

    And yes, you are very good with Google and Wikipedia, Cedric. We're all thoroughly impressed.

    I didn't need Wikipedia to answer your question or to ask mine. It's called "knowledge."


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