Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tarrant County Libertarian Meetup Tonight !!!!!

Hello Tarrant County Libertarians !

We’ll be having another Tarrant County Libertarian Meetup on Thursday, March 8th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Zio Carlo Brewpub – 1001 West Magnolia, Fort Worth.
We have a lot of things to discuss – Ben Bernanke is wanting to print another batch of money, President Obama vetoed the Keystone Pipeline project, gold and silver prices are fluctuating daily, Iran and Israel are squaring off at each other, and the Republicans seem to think that their best chance of defeating Barack Obama is by nominating…..another Barack Obama.

... So how can a bunch of Libertarians sitting around a brewpub have an impact on all of this?

Tarrant County is playing host to the Libertarian Party Presidential Debates on April 7th. (Our eventual nominee will be chosen at the Las Vegas Libertarian Party convention in May.)
Because of the well-publicized discontent with President Obama and the Republican field of candidates, there is an excellent chance that the winning LP candidate will be polling high enough to participate in the September and October multi-party debates against the President and his Republican challenger. The Libertarian Party has never had a better chance to win.

At Thursday night’s meetup you will have a chance to submit questions for our April 7th Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Debate! The best questions will be submitted to our debate moderator. You can influence the direction of the Libertarian Party with your questions and concerns. (Remember Rick Perry’s “Whoop’s” moment in the Republican debate? Think of the impact of that one question….)

Please show up Thursday night with questions that will help us narrow the field !

See you there,

Allen Patterson
Tarrant County Libertarian Party Chair

P.S. – We’d also like to start a monthly book discussion group. Bring your suggestions for those events also.

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