Monday, July 23, 2012

Tarrant County Libertarian Meetup - BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse !!

The Tarrant County Libertarian Meetup has rolled around again !!

Come hang out with us at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse, sample their homebrews, eat some good pizza, and help us solve the world's problems. BJ's is at 952 Northeast Loop 820, just outside Northeast Mall in Hurst/Northeast Fort Worth.

We'll be getting together on Tuesday night, July 24th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (or later). And we have a lot to talk about.....

We have a Gary Johnson event coming up in August, plus a "2nd Amendment/Gun Rights" Speakers Series with the NRA and the Texas State Rifle Association coming up on August 2nd. Plus, there's an election coming up in November, right?

The Libertarian Party - Fiscally conservative, Socially liberal, Pizza tolerant, and Brewpub extremist. Show up and make your voice heard!!


  1. I don't live in Tarrant County, but I may join the TCLP just to hang out with you guys and drink beer.

    It'd be a damn sight more fun than going to a dem or repub meeting.

  2. Tim, I can vouch for that!

  3. Which booth will the meeting be in? (snicker)

  4. IB,
    We will sit in the area assigned to us by the Department Of Seating, a sub-section of the Department of Restaurant Comfort, which is an obscure branch of the Department of Commerce.
    I know that sounds like a lot of bureaucracy, but it "creates" jobs, right??


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