Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey, MSNBC, it coulda been worse !!!

Why all this weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from MSNBC? 
Do they not understand that if one Obamney lost this "debate", then the other Obamney is winner by default?
You'll still have your welfare state, godawful wars, Federal Reserve, Prohibition, giveways, corporate welfare, cronyism, dead Pakistani babies, mercantilism and tribalism. It's not like a Libertarian candidate was allowed in the room to kick both of their asses....
This video is pretty funny though. 


  1. If only Obama watched more MSNBC, he could win debates. I take way too much pleasure in watching Matthews have a tingle-lacking meltdown.

  2. I was listening to NPR while driving between shops this morning. Listening to them propose changes to the debate format, changes to the moderators, etc., was beyond hilarious.

    The Teleprompter Jesus simply wasn't prepared for this thing. (I didn't watch it, but when almost every lefty site on my Daily Reads is in agreement, that's what I'm going with.)

    Plus, Barack Obama is an economic idiot, and someone finally called him on it. Too bad it was the Father of RomneyCare, AKA the John The Baptist Of ObamaCare.

  3. I think the tingle in Tingle's leg turned into a load in his diaper last night...


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