Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Holy Cause

May I direct your attention to "The Holy Cause", a Christian libertarian blog run by a missionary named Greg.
Here's something from Greg's brief bio:

Around 2004, I began to think seriously about some of the political ideas I held, both from a market perspective and a Christian perspective. Slowly it began to dawn on me that I did not fit into the political camp I had aligned myself with. The teachings of scripture, the workings of the market, and the growing police state all convince me of the error of that way of thinking. Thus I became a libertarian, specifically a Christian libertarian.

There's a lot to recommend on Greg's site, but these posts are particularly notworthy. "Torture In The Church" is a must-read. It has some alarming statistics on church attendance and approval of torturing terror suspects.

This post on Frederic Bastiat has links to the PDF's of almost all the relevant F.B. output. (I have a dachshund named Fred, in honor of this brilliant French economist.) Read Bastiat, and you'll never see a broken window, or The Stimulus Plan, in the same way.

Then there's the Christian Libertarian Blog Carnival, a more focused equivalent to my Libertarian Blog Carnival. Greg graciously posted something from this site on his blog carnival, but then cast some doubt on my salvation experience. (Hit the link)
A couple of days later, Greg felt obliged to add a disclaimer to the carnival, stating that he didn't endorse the content of every site he had published. Dunno who that was about.

Greg spends a LOT of time finessing his list of Christian Libertarian blogs, and if he didn't nail it with this, I don't want to know about it.
Good site, with a good focus. Hope he keeps it up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Allen - I deleted my first comment here, as it was quickly written as I was heading out the door. Reading it later it did not say what I wanted to communicate.

    First of all, thanks for the great review. You are too kind.

    If I may, I'd like to bring clarity to a couple of points you make.

    1) "Greg graciously posted something from this site on his blog carnival, but then cast some doubt on my salvation experience."

    What I actually said was, "Though I don’t believe Allen would claim to be a Christian libertarian (I may be wrong on this) ...".

    I wrote this not because I can (or want to) judge you one way or another, but rather because I assumed by your writings that you had disassociated yourself from the Christian faith.

    Note that I did say "I may be wrong on this". I was wrong - in writing it. The comment was unnecessary (whether accurate or not) and I will remove it.

    2) "A couple of days later, Greg felt obliged to add a disclaimer to the carnival, stating that he didn't endorse the content of every site he had published."

    I assure you, it is nothing to do with you. Check out the The Last Days blog to see what I was hinting at.

    I like your blog and your submission to the Carnival was deserving. If I communicated anything else, I apologize. I would gladly receive contributions from you for future blog carnivals.

    I hope this helps with understanding.

  3. Greg,
    No offense taken, none at all.
    Part of the problem - I've never sacrificed a one-liner in the name of consistency or coherence.

    Regarding Christians, I still call myself one. If I seem cynical or bitter about it, that's a bit of anger toward the fundamentalism of MY youth (Not that of my family, friends, churches, ministers, etc.)
    Am learning more and more about the early years of Xty, when there were dozens and dozens of competing outposts of belief, almost all of which died out (or were killed) by 3-400 A.D. I wish we knew more about some of those folks who were labeled as heretics. I bet many of them had beliefs closer to those of the founder of the faith.

    Anyway, you'll have to get up VERY early in the morning to offend me with anything. Thanks for the comment, and glad to have you in the neighborhood.


  4. Allen -- agree with the F Bastiat commentor. Years ago, he helped me think about things more clearly --- and --- man, you are slipping -- last week I made a comment on your blog and a back handed compliment and got no riposte in reply.

  5. I should have said -- made a comment on my blog about yours.

  6. Francis,
    Your post didn't escape my notice. In fact, I emailed it to several friends. Am doing a Fort Worth blogger roundup sometime soon, and didn't want to link to something that includes me talking about me.


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