Monday, February 1, 2010

The January Pew Research Political Quiz

Go here to take another Pew Political IQ Quiz.

Get 'em all right, and you know more than 98% of all Americans.

Those living outside the borders of Obamastan can go ahead and add two correct answers to your score.

I got 'em all right, but had to guess on one question due to overthinking it. Post results in the comment field.


  1. 12/12. Further confirmation that we're all just a bunch of news junkies. Maybe we should get some hobbies.

  2. Got 11. I didn't think we imported all that much oil.
    What happend to "Drill, drill, drill?

  3. 11 out of 12. I missed the one about the Christmas bomber. I will admit that I was on vacation at the time and, quite selfishly, paid more attention to the increased airport security slant of the story, since I was facing a long return flight home. I don't think I ever read which Al Qaeda cell trained him.

  4. Missed the stupid oil question

    Drill damnitt!!!

  5. 11/12. And that's because I don't follow the Dow Jones.

  6. Ooops! Missed one, Number of women currently sitting on the SCOTUS. I "guessed" one.

    B Woodman

  7. 11 out 12, Damn oil question!


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