Monday, September 20, 2010

Do you ever voluntarily participate in activities where success is punished?

Here are some quick Monday morning questions.

Who would you rather have investing your money?  10 billionaires, selected at random, or the top 10 people on the president's economic advisory team?

Who would select the investments most likely to assure a long term profit?   10 billionaires, selected at random, or the top 10 people on the president's economic advisory team?

When government spends your money, do you believe that they are making the best possible decisions when doing so?  Even when they spend it on Turtle Tunnels and African Genital Washing?  (Google it.)  Are the Turtle and Sanitizing jobs likely to grow without further government support?   

If the Bush Tax Cuts are allowed to expire, do you believe that the wealthy will continue to put the same amount of money at risk, which, by the way, is the only way to create continued employment growth? 

Do you know how much Federal tax revenue declined after the Bush tax cuts went into effect?  Is it possible that Capital Gains Tax revenues doubled after the tax cuts? 

If Capital Gains Tax revenues doubled after the Bush tax cuts, if you were going for the maximum amount of tax revenue, would you prefer to take 39% of $100 or 35% of $200?

Do you voluntarily participate in activities where success is punished? 

I'm just wondering.....

1 comment:

  1. "Are the...(African Genital Washing) Sanitizing jobs likely to grow without further government support?"

    Depends on the skill and attractiveness of the sanitizer.

    And I will only go with letting the billionaires chose my investments if none of them were lottery winners.


additional coats of Whitening