Dang it, I'd just gotten this thing up to the 2,500 hits per day mark. Oh well. Most of this is because of the evil schemes of Marvel Variants and his sidekick Gary Dewdrop.
Obama, despite all his unh....weeks and weeks of management experience, has proven to be totally ineffective in helping the economy recover, defending the coasts, defending our border with Mexico, or controlling spending.
For the first time ever, Saint Albert Gore, The Goracle Of Music Tennessee, has been accused of sexually assaulting someone who isn't in the manufacturing or transportation industry.
The Keynesians are in full retreat, having discovered that governments can no more spend their way out of debt any more than individual households can.
Socialists in Europe are discovering that it really is possible to run out of other people's money.
Our November elections will probably give us a lot of new Representatives and Senators who are inexperienced, and therefore less harmful.
Validated. Vindicated.
I hope to resume posting soon !