Saturday, September 29, 2012

Go Back To F***ing Sleep

Outstanding actor and economic dunce Samuel L. Jackson recently produced this video, charmingly titled "Wake The F*** Up". 

It's for voters who think that we've all been doing dandy for the last four years, that we're fighting undeclared wars in fewer countries than we were four years ago, and that teen minority unemployment isn't at 50%, and that Barack Obama didn't flunk Economics 101 at Occidental College.  If those voters don't "Wake The F*** Up", Obama won't be elected. 

Here goes:

Reason magazine, the greatest periodical currently on the newsstands, has produced an equally charming response.  Here's their rebuttal to Samuel L. Jackson:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What if two candidates supported slavery, but you agreed with one of them on healthcare?

GREAT essay by The Atlantic Monthly's Conor Friedersdorf on why he won't vote for either of the Obamneys.  But especially the one who is bombing women and kids in Pakistan. 

Go here.  Read the whole thing. 

And then try telling this kid that "The Democrat candidate is the lesser of two evils". 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bob Dylan refuses to accept Barack Obama as his personal Lord and Savior

I picked up the new Bob Dylan CD a couple of days ago.  Good stuff. 

I have my concerns, though.  Mikal Gilmore, in a recent Rolling Stone interview gave Dylan opportunity after opportunity to confess his sins, ignore economic reality and let Obama into his heart. 

Dylan wouldn't do it.  Go here for details.

Seriously....  Was Gilmore really expecting the author of this musical gem to continue endorsing our Warlord-In-Chief ???
Here are some of the boys from Pearl Jam doing Dylan's "Masters Of War".

Monday, September 24, 2012

Why Isn't Mitt Romney doing better?

Why isn't Mitt Romney doing better? 
You can go here and see a very small sample of the hand-wringing about Mitt's distressing polling numbers. 

Think about it.  A blind dachshund with 3 legs should be outrunning Barack Obama in this thing. 

We've got a president who has racked up more months of 8% unemployment than the previous 11 combined. 

Barack Obama used your money to purchase about 675,000 vehicles, and then destroyed them.  Cash For Clunkers.  (He should've been impeached for this, BTW.) 

His foreign policy is in total shambles. 

His Fed Director is about to print a 3rd batch of money, since the first two batches didn't work.  (Swear to God, that's what they're saying.) 

The results he achieved with a 700 billion dollar stimulus were worse than the scary numbers he used to terrify us into a 700 billion dollar stimulus bill. 

We're 16 trillion dollars in debt.  Most people who own a computer, and who give a crap, are aware of that number.  Obama went on Letterman acting as if he wasn't sure of it.  Sheesh....

So why isn't Romney doing better????

Let's assume that you want America to do well.  Let's assume that you've read a few economics books that deal with some "predictive" theory, theories that have proven themselves over time.  (This rules out the comedy team of Keynes and Krugman.)  Let's assume that you really are a member of that endangered species known as Small Government Republicans.  Would you be excited about this guy?   

The Mitt/Paul Ryan budget doesn't get us out of deficit spending for a freakin' decade.  Go here to read a Reason Magazine summary of the thing.  And congress can restrain a future congress's spending.  When Obama/Mitt/Ryan talk about achieving balanced budgets over a _____ year period, instead of now, today, this very minute, they're blowing smoke.  Seriously.  Can you imagine the current bunch of yahoos restraining spending because of Gerald Ford's long-term budget scenario? The only cuts that matter are the ones made NOW. 

Mitt Romney hasn't proposed shutting down a single cabinet-level position and department.  Not energy, not education, and not commerce.  No serious candidate who wants to get us out of the hole we're in would dream of letting those money pits remain open. 

Mitt Romney hasn't talked about closing any military bases.  We've got more military than the next 16 or 17 countries combined. 

Mitt Romney, like Obama, is a Drug Warrior.  We could end the Drug War tomorrow and eliminate one million government jobs, from Drug Czar all the way down to 3rd level torturer. 

Mitt Romney opposes gay marriage.  If you're 16 trillion in debt, you shouldn't have time to oppose gay marriage. 

Mitt Romney is talking about "getting tough" with the Chinese.  Mitt, here's how you get tough with the Chinese.  If the Chinese government starts subsidizing tires, we should buy those cheaper Chinese tires until the Chinese people riot.    Ditto for anything else China makes.  Hell, if California made Nancy Pelosi mow yards to help subsidize California wine and make it cheaper than anyone else's, I'd probalby buy more California wine. 

That, IMHO, is why Mitt Romney isn't doing very well right now.  And this election ought to be a slam dunk. 

So if you live in a "Red" state, one that's probably going to go for Romney anyway, no matter what, then there's no reason to vote for Romney or Obama.  It's a wasted vote.  You should vote for the only small-government, anti-drug war, pro-civil liberties candidate on the ballot.  Gary Johnson.  He's pledged to submit a budget that's 43% smaller immediately.  If you're not sending that message about what you support and what you oppose, then you're part of the problem. 

And if you live in a "Blue" state, one that's probably going to go for the other Obamney anyway, no matter what, then there's no reason to vote for either of the Obamneys.  It's a wasted vote.  You should vote for the only small-government, anti-drug war, pro-civil liberties candidate on the ballot.  Gary Johnson.  He's pledged to submit a budget that's 43% smaller immediately.  If you're not sending that message about what you support and what you oppose, then you're part of the problem.

(Go here to read the fine print.) 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bring Them Home

Here's the print that our Narcissist In Chief is peddling on his campaign site.

I'm not the first person to notice the similarities to another image that's been in the media lately. Here are the hand prints of our Libyan embassy staff.
Way to go with that "Smart Diplomacy", guys. 

What in the hell made anyone think Bill Clinton's wife would be any better at representing us and keeping a lid on this mess than, say, Sarah Palin's husband??  Four years working from a safe Congressional seat in upstate New York???  Sitting through HillaryCare meetings?  Making up fantasies about running across Serbian airfields under fire (along with the comedian Sinbad and Chelsea and some random singers?)

Don't bother praying for the troops. 
Don't go to the hassle of putting a yellow ribbon sticker on your car. 
Discontinue your practice of going nuts every time an army reserve unit unrolls a giant USA flag before a NFL or MLB game. 

If you really want to support the troops, vote Libertarian.
We'll get their feet back underneath their Mamas' tables. 
We are the only party that wants to bring the troops home NOW. 

We have no business over there.  We're making things worse.  If you had to get past Chinese checkpoints and barracks to get home from work, you might be bombing attacking some embassies yourself.