Nancy Pelosi's contribution to Bartlett's Quotations will probably be her famous line encouraging people to vote for ObamaCare: "But we have to pass the (healthcare) bill so you can find out what's in it."
The good people of the Juicy Couture fashion company have learned.
The hard way.
I apologize to The Twitchy for scraping this post in it's entirety. Please go there every day. The Twitchy never fails to please. The block quotes below are Tweets. Hit the link to see them in proper format.
Here goes:
The group has taken the campaign to Twitter.

From their hilarious petition:
Shocked and angered lefties join the campaign.
Well, I feel bad for these folks. But you do get what you vote for.
The good people of the Juicy Couture fashion company have learned.
The hard way.
I apologize to The Twitchy for scraping this post in it's entirety. Please go there every day. The Twitchy never fails to please. The block quotes below are Tweets. Hit the link to see them in proper format.
Here goes:
Need a laugh? Read liberal logic behind #justhours and how workers "deserve" xyz. Business have to make money you clowns! #tccot #tcot #tlot
Clayton Sears (@clay_sears) March 28, 2013
The latest thing causing a leftist tizzy? Juicy Couture is joining the ranks of businesses that are forced to cut workers’ hours in order to try to mitigate the devastating cost of Obamacare.Juicy Couture workers angry their hours are being cut because of Obamacare…—Not just any workers. The Dudes of Juicy. No, for real.
Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) March 28, 2013
@kim_hohman Dudes of .@juicycouture are taking action! When juicy cut hrs, they fought back:—Oh, dear. After you’ve picked yourself up from the floor where you have surely fallen in a fit of giggles, check out the rest.
Retail ActionProject (@RetailAction) March 28, 2013
"By keeping hours under 30 per week, JC will no longer be required to offer their workers affordable health care"…—
Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) March 28, 2013
Just the beginning of ObamaCare fallout MT @RetailAction: Fired 4 asking 4 enuf hrs 2 live? @juicycouture. #tcot #LUR—RedState had more Thursday morning:
LaborUnionReport (@laborunionrpt) March 27, 2013
Yesterday, some person (or group) tweeted to me a link to a campaign (allegedly) by and for the current and former employees of Juicy Couture to demand “just hours.”Surprise! Well, not if you have a functioning brain.
You see, according to the campaign, the hip and trendy Juicy is doing what other companies are doing in an effort to cope with the burdensome regulations and costs of the “Affordable Health Care Act” (aka ObamaCare)–the company is downsizing its full-time payroll to (mostly) part-time workers.
The group has taken the campaign to Twitter.
Over 600 signers agree! "Luxury" retailer .@juicycouture should offer good jobs with #JustHours to their workers!—
Retail ActionProject (@RetailAction) March 28, 2013

From their hilarious petition:
When we began working at Juicy Couture, many of us were full-time. Now, only 19 of the store’s 128 employees are full-time! Not only are they firing full-time workers and replacing us with a part-time workforce, just this month Juicy capped all part-time workers hours at 21 hours per week. We quickly realized that Juicy Couture is doing everything they can to not take care of its workers.That mean old company won’t throw extra cash at them so that they can live the New York City lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed! Dear Dudes: Companies are in business to stay in business and employ people. Obamacare regulations are making that increasingly more difficult; the costs are staggering and burdensome. That whole “you can keep your plan” deal? Obama lied.
See, it was hard enough for us to make ends meet in New York City as full-time retail workers. But by keeping hours under 30 per week, Juicy Couture will no longer be required to offer their workers affordable health care – part of the Affordable Health Care Act’s plan to make sure more working Americans have basic health care. Further, we were told we’re only eligible for paid time off in case we’re sick or have other responsibilities if we work 1400 hours in one year. We did the math, and realized part-time workers reach that at 21 hours per week. This means that the vast majority of Juicy Couture’s workers will not ever get one single paid sick day.
Shocked and angered lefties join the campaign.
Juicy Couture is firing full-time workers and limiting workers hours so the company can avoid providing health…—SEIU’s digital campaign manager:
Broadcast Union News (@bdaraio) March 27, 2013
High-end retailer Juicy Couture appears to be capping workers' hours at 21-hrs/week to skirt #ACA requirements:—Students Against Sweatshops. Yes, this exists:
Jess Kutch (@jess_kutch) March 26, 2013
.@juicycouture Stop avoiding employer responsibility for healthcare by part-timing workers! #psd #JustHours #hcr—Because, you know, hip and trendy Juicy Couture workers not being able to get the highest iPhone plan is totally like the Triangle Fire. (Too soon?)
(@USAS) March 28, 2013
Just 19 of Juicy Couture's 128 NYC employees are full time. Workers are demanding better hours:—More shock and fretting.
Bryce Covert (@brycecovert) March 26, 2013
Sign & RT if you think @juicycouture workers deserve #justhours #paidsickdays & health insurance. #1U #labor—
(@UFCW) March 28, 2013
"I got 40hrs/wk when I started, then .@juicycouture slashed to 14, but kept hiring!" -Duane, Juicy employee of 4 yrs—
Retail ActionProject (@RetailAction) March 28, 2013
.@juicycouture Stop replacing FT wrkrs w/crappy PT jobs! Support #JustHours & #paidsickdays: .@retailaction—The sane give them a little dose of reality.
ROC-United (@rocunited) March 27, 2013
obamacare is sooo awesome — the Juicy Couture Company Has Eliminated Full-Time Employment… via @thefrisky—
GeorgeTheLibertarian (@George4RonPaul) March 28, 2013
.@RetailAction @laborunionrpt @juicycouture You ain't seen nothing yet! Be careful what you ask for – you might get it! #Obamacare—
Neal Lawson (@JNealLawson) March 28, 2013
@amandacarpenter Kind of sad they don't see the real root of the problem in Obamacare but then how many voted for Obama.—
SCR North (@scr_north) March 28, 2013
Juicy doesn't make more $$ to pay for your benefits #justbecause u vote #Obama and u want #justhours. #tccot #tcot #tlot #tiot Get a clue.—
Clayton Sears (@clay_sears) March 28, 2013
Hey, #JustHours #Labor YOU voted for #obama, now eat your peas…—
David M Batten™ (@dmbatten) March 28, 2013
Juicy Couture downsizes 128 FT employees to 19 as result of Obamacare costs…—
Rudy (@USAfree123) March 28, 2013
Juicy Couture employees learn:Bingo. Elections, they have consequences. Even for the Dudes of Juicy (stop! our sides!)
1. The law of unintended consequences
2. Elections do matter
3. There’s no free lunch…—
Rudy (@USAfree123) March 28, 2013
Well, I feel bad for these folks. But you do get what you vote for.