Lord have mercy, that man can type. Here are some excerpts from something Velociman wrote about seeing a Scribbler spider, a variety known for webs that look like handwriting:

I should take her appearance as a portent of Good Things, that I will find the ability to write something, anything, of value. I believe there is a direct relationship between the fullness of one's soul and the desire to put fingertips to keyboard. Even as the well of the soul is dry, so does the inkwell of ideas empty for me. And my inkwell of late has been as encrusted and moistureless as a sclerotic old artery.
He continues:
What we have now is a different thing altogether. As different as that Scribbler and the dangersome Brown Recluse. I am free to impute ill will and bad faith to my opponents in this arena, as they are with me. I consider bad faith to be preferable to rank stupidity at any rate, so it's not that demeaning a charge.
And then:
The loyal opposition (Republican Party) is no help: they brought us to this tear in the fabric of our civilization in the first place with their free-whoring ways and glib repudiation of their constituents.
Perhaps I should have smashed that spider; not all omens are favorable, after all. And spinning a fabric of such unfathomable despondency is normally considered poor form, if not self-destructive. Fortunately, they haven't re-introduced Prohibition, so there's the John Barelycorn approach to the tip of Maslow's hierarchy. Perhaps I should just go self-actualize myself, two fingers at a time.
Velociman. He posts stuff like this about three times a week. Go there to read the whole thing. Hope he can make it to the next Blogger meetup.
Whited, have you read his book? I, too, would love to meet V-man, but worry that I would not be able to put an intelligible sentence together in his presence!
I haven't read it, but will try to obtain a copy.
The only time I've ever gotten the stammers in a hero's presence was when I first met Denny in Bandera. I disagree with the GOC on Free Trade and some immigration issues, but reading his site was what got me going on this one. Denny was messing around trying to get his wheelchair out of the car, and I walked up to him, shook hands and said "Leh-ho, mah spoodlingharghh", or something like that.
Yeah, but who pulled a (hind) leg off of the spider?
If you invite him to a blogmeet, you have to remind him to bring a couple of things: His dirndl, his monkey, his bullwhip and his cowbell. Heh.
If you invite him to a blogmeet, you have to remind him to bring a couple of things: His dirndl, his monkey, his bullwhip and his cowbell. Heh.
fuck that dude
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