Starbucks spends nothing with me. Nothing. Once a week, I check to see if they need any shipments hauled someplace in the lower 48 states. The answer is always NO.

That's a $14.77 trade deficit per week.
As I understand it, Starbucks arranges all of their freight through someplace in Seattle. How should Texas freight companies respond?
Should we immediately press for tariffs on inbound shipments of Starbucks coffee beans?
Should we lobby for higher road use taxes on all shipments not carried by Texas trucking companies?
Or perhaps we should call for a quota system, where Starbucks continues to ship their beans on non-Texan scab companies, but Texas trucking companies will have to be given their fair share?
There are some who say that these measures will raise the price of coffee in Texas Starbucks stores. But isn't this the only way to achieve social justice at Starbucks?
I get the analagy and lesson here. So let me comment on just one aspect of it, as I have the time.
Your purchasing Srarbucks coffee is entirely voluntary. That's capitalism free trade in action. You volunteer to give them money, they volunteer to give you a cup of coffee. If you don't like the other arrangements, i.e., that they don't ship with a Texas trucking line, then don't buy their coffee. Organize a boycott of other like-minded individuals to also boycott Starbucks. Once their dollars and profits go down, they'll either go out of business or POSSIBLY come to some other arrangement RE shipping, mutually acceptable to the majority of parties involved (you can NEVER NEVER make EVERYBODY happy).
B Woodman
B Woodman,
You only get part of my point.
I don't want to organize anything (like a boycott) on my own. I want the government to intervene and require Starbucks to use my trucking company.
I want to know which politician to buy, and once he's bought I want him to stay bought. What makes the textile/clothing, sugar, ethanol, and defense industries so special?
I want a guarantee of obscene profits from this.
Caffeine addicts of the world, unite ! !
I got that part of it too, about seeking for Big Gub'ment intervention. But as that is totally abhorant to me, I went the free individual/free trade route of thinking. As a "game" I could possibly think inside that box & play that game, but I'd rather not.
B Woodman
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