Monday, May 5, 2014

Help crack the NSA's secret code

The National Security Administration (NSA) recently sent out the following Tweet, partially as a game, partly as a recruiting stunt, and perhaps to polish their self-image as a buncha fun-loving guys who spend their days reading your emails and logging your phone calls. 

The idea was to get amateur cryptographers to see if they have what it takes to work for the NSA.  Here's what the Tweet looked like. 

I put aside my scheduled recreation for the evening....

....Well, the book part, anyway, and figured it out in under 30 minutes.
Hit this link for the translation. 

The National Security Administration.  The only branch of government that really listens!!


Sew daze said...

I want to see a picture of the bourbon bottle in its current state. Empty.

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Let's see you translate that mess with a clear mind and a dry mouth. Can't be done.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

They will put something in that bottle of yours for that, see if they don't...