Thursday, October 15, 2009

South Park on the organization that was gonna get stimulus money for helping with the census


Anonymous said...

Video no longer available. I'm sure it was hysterical. Can you narrate it? Maybe something with shadow puppets?

TarrantLibertyGuy said...

Stupid Libertarians Trey Parker and Matt Stone with their 'intellectual property rights'! Stupid Viacom with their dumb contract!!

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Dang it, I worked hard on that post. And they've destroyed it.

Ok, there was this little guy, one of the Southpark people, going in for advice on how to set up a business....

I can't remember the rest, but it was funny.

Can anybody help me?

Browncoat Libertarian said...

If this was last night's episode, I haven't watched it yet...every is taking a back seat to the MLB playoffs right now, so it sitith in my Tivo queue. I'm betting it's hilarious, given last week's episode where Kyle's little brother Ike was possessed by the ghost of Michael Jackson.