It's been a very bad week for the Panic Community.
What it amounts to? The world's governments are running out of money to run cover for this mess, and the facades are starting to crack. Just think, if we had a good economy, we'd be buying carbon credits/Papal Indulgences from Al Gore by now.
I usually don't scrape someone else's site, but I hope Mr. Watts will understand my swiping all of what you see below.
This is a collection of news story excerpts this past week. AGW proponents and environmentalists is general are taking hit after hit in the media this week. – Anthony (Watts)

From the GWPF via email: The Crisis of Climate Catastrophism
The threat to tropical rainforests from climate change may have been exaggerated by environmentalists, according to a new study. Researchers have shown that the world’s tropical forests thrived in the far distant past when temperatures were 3 to 5C warmer than today. They believe that a wetter, warmer future may actually boost plants and animals living the tropics. – David Derbyshire, Daily Mail, 12 November 2010
There are many climactic models today suggesting that … if the temperature increases in the tropics by a couple of degrees, most of the forest is going to be extinct. What we found was the opposite to what we were expecting: we didn’t find any extinction event [in plants] associated with the increase in temperature, we didn’t find that the precipitation decreased. — Carlos Jaramillo, The Guardian, 12 November 2010
The spectre of imminent thirst and/or starvation for billions by 2035 from melting glaciers would appear to have been confirmed as the worst kind of alarmist scaremongering. — Lewis Page, The Register, 11 November 2010
Bjorn Lomborg should be careful about what he wishes for. The unintended consequences pursuant to a renewable trough worth $250 billion has the potential to spawn a lot more nonsense, given its potential for increasing the size and direction of government and making energy policy even more political, much less meritorious. The skeptical environmentalist has become far too credulous. –Jon Boone, MasterResource, 11 November 2010
MORE than $1 billion of taxpayers’ money was wasted on subsidies for household solar roof panels that favoured the rich and did little to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, a scathing review has found. –Tom Arup, The Age, 11 November 2010
Despite a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government, Solyndra, a maker of solar panels in the southeast San Francisco Bay Area city of Fremont, will close one of its manufacturing plants, lay off 40 permanent and 150 contract workers, delay expansion plans of a new plant largely financed with the government-guaranteed loan and scale back production capacity more than 50 percent. Despite the hype and tax money, Solyndra seems unable to compete with Chinese manufacturers, whose prices are lower. This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry’s supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010
Anthony Watts, of the Watts Up With That site,
Anthony Watts?
The guy is an idiot.
Global Cooling, Global Warming, Global Climate Disruption, and whatever else they're calling it this week
Who is this mysterious, conveniently undefined “they” you refer to?
NASA perhaps?
It's been a very bad week for the Panic Community.
“Panic community”?
I don't know about you but when I want to find out about scientific issues, I don't go to a "panic community".
Do you mean NASA perhaps?
I like NASA.
I really, really like NASA.
What it amounts to? The world's governments are running out of money to run cover for this mess, and the facades are starting to crack.
Yes, boys and girls.
It’s a conspiracy!
All of the world governments are all conspiring together.
It’s a global conspiracy.
It's all a facade.
Just think, if we had a good economy, we'd be buying carbon credits/Papal Indulgences from Al Gore by now.
Excellent point.
What climate denialist posting would be complete without a mention of Al Gore?
After all, he invented this global hoax back in 2006, right?
So where do you get your sources of information for your collection of stories?
Well, you get them from…a blog.
(No surprises there, sadly.)
So…where does the blog get them from?
Let's see...
A newspaper, a newspaper, another newspaper, a blog, yet another newspaper,…and a scientific journal (oops, my bad. Scratch that. The last one was a newspaper.)
Not a single original source.
No direct, primary reference to any scientific literature at all.
That would take effort.
In order to keep denialism protected, the denialist must not stray off the reservation of pre-digested talking points carefully crafted by "Institutes" and "blogs".
Denialism is a hot-house flower.
It withers away in the face of mainstream science.
The threat to tropical rainforests from climate change may have been exaggerated by environmentalists...
Allen, drop this.
It will go badly for you.
Do research.
Go to original sources.
This is going to end up exactly the same as all those other science “gotcha” moments that you have promoted on your blog.
Remember Gerald Dickens?
People told you how to spin it and you spun just like they told you. It never occured to you to do some independent fact-checking on your own.
Remember those "three Australian scientists" (count 'em, THREE!!!) that you gushed over?
Didn't turn out so well.
Once again, you did no digging.
No fact-checking at all.
You just faithfully repeated what you found from your tribe.
Nothing more.
Remember Mojib Latif?
Poor old Mojib Latif. His science got butchered by dishonest people. He even knew it would happen ahead of time.
You take your information from pre-digested sources.
The "Story" always ends up being a dud.
Yet the next time, those self-same sources serve up some other will faithfully repeat it.
They get away with it because you let them get away with it.
The white sepulcher blog is telling regarding watts up with the don't panic stories about the weather that includes the technique like global warming, global cooling etc.
Watts up with sea ice?
In early summer 2010, the pseudo science blog Watts Up With That informed it’s discriminating readers that this summer would decisively show that northern polar ice had ended a long term decline.
They guaranteed it.
The numbers are in.
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