Monday, September 1, 2008

The New & Improved Tarrant County Libertarian Party Website

Back in March, I lamented the lack of activity on the Tarrant County Libertarian Party website.

John Spivey, the leader of the Tarrant County LP meetup group, emailed me. I started going to meetings, got involved, got to meet Bob Barr, and have made a lot of great friends.

Now they've given the website an extreme makeover. Save this link. Check it every week, unless you have a sentimental attachment to bloated bureaucracy and your share of the 9.5 trillion dollar national debt.
We're having another meetup at 1:00 p.m. September 6th at Grapevine's "Love And War In Texas". (L&W in TX is one of the best alt-country music venues in the DFW area, BTW.) Please join us if you can.
John and Company have done an outstanding job with the new Tarrant County Libertarian Party website. (Pay no attention to their page of Favorite Blogs....)

1 comment:

TarrantLibertyGuy said...

Alright you! Actually, it was just my idea to upgrade... the real upgrading/designing/work was done by Michelle Mallard - an awesome job!!!

I need to add some more blogs too!! Of course, we needed a few "locals", like you - but need to add a few nationals, like your list of 873 of your favorite libertarian blogs!

Thanks for props! Back at ya.