Friday, October 10, 2008

Taking Competitiveness Too Far....

I saw this in South Carolina today:


Lisa said...

Just an attempt to make people aware of Down Syndrome. Until I delivered my third child and was told that she had Down Syndrome I did not understand why Down Syndrome awareness was important. Being catholic abortion was never an option and I turned down the amnio test when they offered it. That doctor could not believe I would not want to know if there was anything wrong with my baby. Hello, you just said that the high tech ultrasound showed that the baby was fine so what else do I need to know? Fast foreward to her birth and the doctor hoping that my husband would break the bad news to me!? I don't know what the doctor expected me to do, throw the baby back at him or what. She was still part of us, she was still our little girl after two wonderful boys, and we still loved her. You grieve for some of the dreams that will never be but then in the day in and day out living of life you realize that this child is really not that different than the other two. What you do get is the attitude that people are sorry for you. As a parent of a child with Down Syndrome you just want people to understand and accept your child. October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and many bloggers with children with an extra chromsome are blogging 31 for 21 this month. Having a child with an extra chromosome is not the end of the world and that is how Down Syndrome should be presented.

Dr Ralph said...

Speaking as a person formerly in the advertising business, this bumper sticker is pretty inspired. It plays off a common bit of chest-puffing and turns it inside out.

And it got you to look (and post) didn't it?