British officials say the NHS is now less likely to face a big bill because the Government has sought to cut waiting lists and has sometimes sent patients abroad.The Department of Health says that, while in 2000, people could be waiting as long as 18 months for surgery, the average wait for inpatient treatment was now eight weeks. It has also set a target to reduce to 18 weeks the time from an appointment with a general practitioner to an operation.

I'm gonna let that quote stand as is. No further commentary necessary, except to explain to my readers overseas that we don't wait that long for anything except transplants.
Picture of British plumber who has been waiting 10 months for surgery on broken arm came from here.
The British who brought us Monty Python reminded me of this. "merely a small flesh wound" is when an arm had been completely severed. Maybe they're just tougher than we are. Maybe we just need to buck up and learn only wimpy guys need that Joe Theisman leg break looked at within ten weeks. Stiff upper lip!
Don't get sick, if you do, die quickly!
Sweden is another country that has been used as a example of how great socialized medicine is.
As of late 2005 Sweden has a legislated mandate that all citizens must be seen by a physician within 90 days of requesting an appointment.
Emergencies are dealt with but you have to live with all other problems up to three months before you get help.
Who decides when you are not worth the price of repair and need to be totaled?
That pic looks suspiciously Photoshopped...just sayin'...
Haven't been able to work in months? This plumbers arm is miraculously bent now to fish stuff outta toilets, unclog drain pipes, it's heaven sent!!! Quite complaining - or get to the back of the line, Ziggy.
Another good pic (not photoshopped Browncoat)... this guys the real deal... The nerve of him falling down the steps and wrecking the orthopedists schedule!!
This happens all the time on the NHS. Thing is if you can't work you claim benefits. Benefits that would not be claimed if treatment was prompt.
All this from the party that promised "joined-up government".
Joined-up? They need supervision to tie their own shoe-laces!
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