Sunday, September 25, 2011

Top Ten reasons why the rich should be allowed to keep even more of their money

Here are the Top Ten Reasons why the rich should be allowed to keep even more of their money than they're currently keeping:

1) Because if The Federal Government takes their money, The Federal Government will probably do harmful things with it.

There are no other reasons. 


Anonymous said...

I would just amend it to "government", no need for the "federal" qualification.

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Nah. Local and state aren't nearly as harmful. Just a few Blue states are going to go bankrupt. Just a few cities. Texas, for instance, has to have a semi-balanced budget every year. (They still do lots and lots of harmful stuff, but it's like comparing Chairman Mao to, say, Martha Stewart.)

I really think the low-hanging fruit is on the Fed's tree.