Jos Metadi won last week's Caption Contest.
Many thanks to the Grammar Nazis for pointing out three errors in one sentence.
Apologies to Flee for misspelling her Blogger Name.
More apologies to everyone who knows me. I just couldn't help myself with this one. What the heck were they thinking?

When ET was away on his space-jaunts Mrs ET...
Oh dear God, where is Fembuttx when we need her most?
For a few seconds after junior had opened his Christmas gift, Mr. and Mrs. Smith were horrified that a wrapping mix up might have occurred.
Movie merchandising; giving you the finger since 1982.
Marketing error...Replicate a 18 year old penis, not a 98 year old penis!!!!
OR...This is NOT a stimulus package.
Ayn Rand's stimulus package
"Unfortunately, The Mob caught up with ET on Mars to collect on his gambling debts."
You're back! We've missed your curmudgeonly ways! I'll tipple a thoroughly bourgeois martini tonight in your honor.
Glad you are on the mend, sir.
Thanks, Doc...great to be back among the living. :^)
This was Fembuttx stimulus package with her new car she bought.I understand completely now.
E.T. Erectile Thrombosis
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