After three years, Vanity Fair is dropping its annual "Green" issue.

Please tell me that Global Warming, Cooling, Dimming, and Climate Change aren't just a fad that briefly caught the eye of the media, politicians, celebrities, money-hungry entrepreneurs, and the Nobel Prize Committee. Please.

A tip O' the hat to Captain Capitalism for alerting us to the outrage.
Actually - don't you think that by not doing a 'green issue' that they are doing a green issue. That is, an on-line only issue... That would be a truer green issue.
I guess they're still going to chop down some trees to print their Zack Efron 12 page interview.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
If one accepts the premise of AGW, how much did they warm the planet to transport Leo to that iceberg, photograph him, and then distribute the magazine to 750,000 households and newstands?
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