Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Hypothetical Question About The Nobel Peace Prize

The last three Democrat adminstrations have produced three Nobel Peace prize winners.

Carter/Mondale - Carter won it, and then went off into full-time Foreign Policy interference. 

Clinton/Gore - Gore won it, and then went off to be a Green Scam Billionaire. 

Obama/Biden - Obama won the Peace Prize, and then went off to bomb the crap out of Libya, get involved in Pakistan, and then carefully maintain the other wars that we had on our plate. 

So....There's long been talk of replacing Biden on the 2012 ballot with someone who is marginally sane.  Now there's talk of replacing Obama on the 2012 ballot with someone who is marginally electable. 

If this happens, and the new Democrate Duo happens to win, is the Nobel automatically awarded to one of the new Statists?  Should it be, just to save time? 

Just wondering. 


CenTexTim said...

Don't forget he sent US troops to Africa, something which the African press reports on, but not the MSM.

As for your questions, I think the top of the ticket would have to change in order to get another Nobel doorstop. I don't see them giving BHO a second one. (Semi-serious answer to what I fervently hope was not a serious question.)

Good post. I'd forgotten about the Carter and Clinton awards. Just goes to show how meaningless that particular award has become. Kind of like those music awards shows, where people I've never heard of get awards for songs I've never heard.

Hot Sam said...

Don't count Clinton out. His "global initiative" will at least get him a nomination.

And don't forget Hillary and her supposed "smart power." I can't recall a less effective SoS, not even Madeline Halfbright. But she will surely be nominated.

They won't even consider W for his HIV efforts in Africa, no matter how much Bono praises him.

Zero seems to be doing a better job of giving our enemies top secret materiel than Bradley Manning.

I'm also wondering why Major Nidal Hasan is still breathing my air.

CenTexTim said...

"Zero seems to be doing a better job of giving our enemies top secret materiel than Bradley Manning.

I'm also wondering why Major Nidal Hasan is still breathing my air."

Nick - ditto and ditto.

ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

"I'm also wondering why Major Nidal Hasan is still breathing my air."

They need to round up some more virgins. With so much recent activity the supply fell below 72.