Friday, February 24, 2012

Rick Santorum shakes Ron Paul's hand - The Zapruder film

Rick Santorum, in an effort to make-nice with Ron Paul, or in an effort to out-alpha male him, recently gave Dr. Paul a vigorous post-debate handshake that would tear the tail off a grizzly. 

Ron Paul supporters are angry.  Their man is 76 years old, and unaccustomed to sweaty, manly, locker room, Santorum-style embraces. 

Here's the video, in slow motion. 

To small-l libertarians, this video is the new Zapruder film.

Watch the slow-motion sequence.....Back, and to the left... back, and to the left... back, and to the left.


Dr Ralph said...

Wait..what? He shook his hand "too vigorously?"

(Vigorous eye-rolling)

Oh, right.

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Nah. Not really. The Good Doctor rides his bike 2x per day, runs a lot, etc.
It was just a whole lot of fun to watch all the ultra-macho earnestness....